Fourth Sunday of Advent: “CERTAIN Hope!”
HOPE is found ONLY in the one true God who is sovereign over all His creation, as you live with Him and for Him through faith in Jesus, the Christ, by the power of His Spirit at work within you. PERIOD!!! Why is that true? What is the connection between certain hope and the birth of Jesus?? To answer that question, you need to understand the meaning of the word, “fulfillment.” “Fulfillment” is a word often associated with Christ’s birth. The birth of Jesus was foretold by the prophets and the purpose for His coming was explained by His Name: “JESUS” … “He will save His people from their sins!” (Matthew 1:21). What all of that means is that the birth of Jesus was planned by God for a specific purpose. This was not a “chance” event! Before the world began God chose a remnant from every people, tribe, nation and tongue to receive His gift of salvation. Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension are at the very center of God’s plan to “fulfill” His purpose. We can understand that purpose as we study His Word, as we look at the history of mankind, and as we see what He is doing in our world today in and through the Church. In the midst of the chaos and uncertainties of life in this world, we who believe have a CERTAIN hope because we know God’s plan to establish His kingdom on the earth is not finished yet … but it WILL BE!!! This same Jesus is coming again as King of all the earth! OUR hope is not based on the things of this world, but rather, on the promises of God that are all “YES! And AMEN!!” in Christ Jesus, our Savior and our Lord. Living with HIM means living with hope in every circumstance, for He IS Emmanuel, “God with us!”