THIS is Eternal Life!
There are so many things going on in our lives and in the world around us that it is easy to miss what GOD is doing … unless you know where to look! Throughout the history of Israel, we read of God calling and using specific people to bring about His intended goals. Those who were given eyes to see what God had done and was doing had cause to celebrate! The same is true for us today who by God’s grace are able to see God’s hand at work in our own lives and in the world around us. Imagine living, as so many do, without the knowledge of the sovereign God who brings salvation, eternal life, to those who are drawn by His Spirit to come to Him through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. Their only hope is luck, chance or human endeavor. Human achievement is celebrated rather than giving thanks to the God who gave abilities and opportunities to accomplish what we call “success.” As we celebrate “Palm Sunday” this morning, we celebrate what GOD has done and what He IS doing, and in so doing we are able to see how He is working in us and in the Church, His Body, to bring salvation to all who believe as we await Jesus’ return and the fulfillment of all His promises! With the crowd who welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem so long ago, we cry out, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”