The Kingdom of God!
All of the talk about North Korea, Iran, Russia and other nations with nuclear weapons and the possibility of war at some time in the future causes many people to fear the future and to attempt to come up with a more “optimistic” picture of the future of mankind and planet earth. As those who have been born again by the Spirit and who know Jesus Christ to be the eternal Son of God, the promised Messiah, the King, our Savior and Lord, we are called to live in this world as strangers and aliens, as citizens of His kingdom, even as we live in anticipation of His return. We must have a vision of the future kingdom of God that is so compelling that it affects the way we look at life and everything in this world. Either this world belongs to man and the future is subject to the whims of people who rule over the nations, OR this world belongs to God, its Creator, and the future has been determined by His sovereign will so that those who believe in Him by grace through faith in Jesus can live with purpose and hope, trusting that what God has revealed WILL take place, will happen just as He has says it will in His Word. Where is your hope? What does “salvation” mean to you? Does what you believe about the return of Jesus affect the way you live your life everyday? God tells us what the future holds, both for those who know Him and those who do not, and He calls all who are disciples of Jesus to live by faith, trusting and obeying Jesus, our King, our Savior!! May you be found so doing when He returns!