The Kingdom of God!
What are your plans for today, tomorrow, the future? Perhaps you have been asked by someone, “Where does God fit into your plans?” Of course, those who know the one true God know that is the wrong question! The right question is, “Where do YOU fit into GOD’s plan?” As billions of people all over the world live their lives one day at a time, looking for a purpose, a reason for their existence, God gives to those who are His children, in whom He lives by His Spirit, who have believed in His Son … God gives to US the grand privilege of living as ambassadors of His kingdom as we live in the world for this brief moment of time. While people all around us are caught up in pursuing earthly goals of satisfaction and success, as defined by the world, God calls those who are disciples of Jesus to something far, far greater!! Believers are called to live in the world and not be of the world. Believers are united to Christ and understand through the work of His Spirit that we are sent to be witnesses of His kingdom, to be light and salt as we live our daily lives. And finally, we who by God’s grace know the truth of His kingdom, who have been saved from His wrath and judgment by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, await the fulfillment of all God has promised when Jesus returns and establishes God’s eternal kingdom in the new heaven and the new earth. Such IS the life of those who are followers of Christ, who have been born again by His Spirit, who are children of God. And knowing these things changes everything!!!