We’re In This Together!
We hear a lot about the homeless crisis in our nation and it is a real crisis for many. At the same time, there is another crisis facing millions in our own nation and billions around the world: a “hope-less” crisis! People all around us are living without hope because they are living without Christ!! As followers of Jesus, as those who by His grace know Him as our Savior and Lord, we must be concerned about the physical and material and mental needs of those around us, yet our primary concern must be their SPIRITUAL need. People need JESUS!! Living without Jesus leaves people vulnerable to hopelessness, and without hope, worry, anxiety and despair are sure to come. By God’s grace to us, we have the answer to hopelessness: Christ Jesus!! In the Gospel of Jesus Christ there is hope for today and tomorrow, not just for us, but for everyone who hears the Gospel and believes! That is why Paul rejoiced to know that Christ was being proclaimed, and why we must also rejoice when Christ is proclaimed and when God uses US to share the good news with others. We who believe are ambassadors of Christ and His kingdom and every day is an opportunity to encourage one another to tell others where we get OUR hope. What will you give to be used of God to proclaim Christ to someone who needs Him? Will you give your time, your convenience, your pride … your fear … your resources …?? May we arrive at the place where we, too, can say, “Christ is proclaimed, and in THAT I rejoice!”