Romans: “The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Hear It! Believe It! Live It!”
There are many things that bring people together … common interests, cheering for the same sports team, working at the same job, having the same friends … even going to the same church. But there is something much “deeper” that unites all who believe in Jesus Christ: the Gospel! While many see the church only as a religious organization, the true Church is a gathering of people who have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who have been born again by the Spirit, who have believed in Jesus for forgiveness and life, and who now desire to live for Him. We who believe exist together as the Body of Christ!! All who believe in Jesus share a oneness that cannot be experienced in any other type of group or gathering, no matter what it is. The Gospel carries with it the power of God to transform people from spiritual darkness to spiritual life! God calls people of all ages, from all different walks of life, from all nations. Before people hear the Gospel they are all the same: spiritually dead and separated from God; yet all who hear the Gospel and believe are spiritually alive and united to God and to each other by faith in Jesus Christ. Through the Gospel Christ builds His Church and makes us part of God’s family. The message of the Gospel is the same today as it was at the beginning: the righteousness of Christ is received by faith. We who believe share in the life produced by the Spirit of God, and having experienced new life we are eager to share this good news with others! Praise God for the Gospel and devote yourself to being part of His Church, being ready and willing to share the Gospel with others, for the glory of God!!