23 – “Encouragement Goes a Long Way!”

Romans: “The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Hear It! Believe It! Live It!”

While many people live as helpless victims, without God and without hope in this world, that is NOT the life God desires for those who know and love Jesus Christ, His Son, and who draw near to Him through the work of His Spirit within us! Knowing God, knowing His plan of salvation, living to please Him, and walking through this life with other believers produces hope that endures through the suffering and trials of life in this world. In fact, these come to make you stronger, to draw you nearer to the One who is the source of true, lasting, enduring HOPE!! It may seem strange to some, but the more you try to live life “on your own,” the more you depend upon your own wisdom or strength to find your way through the swamp of sin caused by mankind’s rebellion against God, the greater will be your despair as you are confronted by situations and circumstances that are beyond your power to control or “fix.” YOU are not GOD!! You need to know the one true God, your Creator, and you need to confess your dependence upon Him if you are ever to live with a sure and lasting hope that strengthens you for the daily battle against anxiety, fear, doubt and worry. Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can be overcome only when you learn to REST in the knowledge and wisdom and love of a heavenly Father who holds you in His hands. Hope is found in trusting in a Savior whose name is Jesus, for He alone is Lord! He is seated at the Father’s right hand and He is ruling over all things for His Body, the Church. WE are “more than conquerors through Him who loved us!” Such hope is the gift of God to His children and cannot be taken away. May we encourage one another as we live together in God’s presence, as we gather to worship Him, as we labor together for His kingdom and as we reach out to others in Jesus’ name! May He be glorified in our midst and may His Body be built up on our account.  He is worthy!!