THIS is Eternal Life!
For those who by God’s grace know that forgiveness of sins and eternal life are God’s gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ, it is difficult to imagine a life without God, a life without Jesus, a life without the power of the Holy Spirit, a life without the Church, Christ’s Body. While confessing your faith in Jesus Christ and being baptized are very personal things, God calls us to Himself and adopts us into His family so that together we may build one another up and grow together as disciples of Jesus Christ. As much as belonging to Christ is not optional for those who are Christians, being a part of Christ’s Body is not optional for spiritual growth and accountability. By confessing Christ as Savior and Lord and living together with brothers and sisters in Christ, we are being obedient to God’s call and are able to fulfill the mission He has entrusted to us: to live as ambassadors of His kingdom, making disciples and teaching them all that He has commanded us to be and to do for His glory! All of this is possible because of God’s promise to those who acknowledge Him as the only true God, who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and who live to serve Him by the power of His Spirit. God Himself directs our paths and leads us throughout our lives toward that glorious day when we will see Him face-to-face and live with Him forever in the new heaven and the new earth. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!