THIS is Eternal Life!
As people around us talk about “income equality,” throughout time there have always been some who were rich and others who were poor. There are some who have more material possessions in this world and there are others who have fewer material possessions. Such “inequality” is caused by a number of factors, including talents and abilities, opportunity, corrupt government and oppression, and at times, personal work ethic. Poverty is not a “new thing,” and God knows the hearts of men and the temptation for those who have earthly riches to use their wealth to gain power over those who live in poverty, whether due to circumstances beyond their control or to their own personal decisions. Therefore, God speaks throughout His Word to His people, instructing them and us in our treatment of those with physical, material needs, both those within the people of God and those outside the people of God. God reminds His people that all they have is a gift from Him and as He has shown us compassion and mercy, so we are to show compassion and mercy to others by caring for the poor. God’s people must be actively engaged in caring for the poor and in so doing to shine as a light in the world! Caring for the poor is part of our calling as the people of God. Fulfilling our calling brings glory to God and brings joy and satisfaction to those who know God as our Provider!