Go, and Tell!
For nearly 6,000 years the human race has been attempting to overcome the effects of Adam’s sin through our own efforts. The history of mankind and of the nations is the record of brief, temporary, partial “successes” and centuries of utter failures to improve the human condition. Only the most foolish imagine that we will ultimately solve the human dilemma brought about by mankind’s rejection of the knowledge of the one true God, our Creator. Believing ourselves to be wise, people have repeatedly suppressed the plain truth of God’s revelation of Himself, beginning with creation, continuing through His Word and finally in His Son Jesus Christ and the testimony of the Apostles. Because of the spiritual condition of the human soul, including mind, body and spirit (a condition called “death” by God in His Word), the Gospel must begin with the true knowledge of the one true God, and be followed by true knowledge of ourselves. The “light” of truth must overcome the “darkness” of all the lies that have been believed since that first temptation in the Garden of Eden, when Satan asked, “Did God actually say…” Like those who have gone before us, most people are “always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth” (II Timothy 3:7). The truth about God AND about humanity is found in the same source, the very Word of the God mankind has rejected!! It is in the Gospel that we discover the truth about ourselves, as unpleasant as it is, but also the “cure” for our condition. What does God see as He looks down from heaven? This, too, is part of the Gospel we have been sent to proclaim!