Advent Series
“Joy to the world!” We sing the song and the words flow off our tongues as we raise our thoughts toward heaven … yet the joy we sing of seems at times, perhaps even often, to be beyond our reach. We live in a world deeply affected by sin, our own and that of others. Joy comes from a heart that is moved to rejoice by a mind that is filled with good thoughts. Therein lies our problem!! Our minds are all too often filled with “other things,” distracted by the reality of personal struggles, broken relationships, uncertain plans and any number of other things. Stress, anxiety and fear, along with anger, frustration and disappointment steal whatever temporary joy you may find in a moment or over a brief period of time. If only there was a way to have true, real, lasting JOY!!! Of course, all who know and confess Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord know that we WILL HAVE perfect joy someday, when we live in the presence of God … but is that all we can hope for? Are we left to live in this world without joy, longing for what is not yet our reality?? The answer to that question is, “Yes!” … and, “No!” It is clear in God’s Word that He wants His children to live in anticipation of what is to come in the future, BUT He also gives us a measure of joy NOW, today, as we live with Him and for Him in this world … if we know where to find it! The joy surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ was expressed in many different ways by a variety of different people, but what does that have to do with us? As we look at some of those who had joy then we will discover how to have joy now, as we celebrate His birth and anticipate His return. Joy IS possible, if you know where to find it: in recognizing your Savior!! What does that mean and how do you live with joy every day, whatever your situation may be? God reveals the “secret” in His Word!!