The Parables of Jesus
The parable of the Good Samaritan is perhaps one of the easiest parables of Jesus to understand, and perhaps one of the most difficult to DO … to live out!! The lesson is simple: Everyone God puts in your path is your neighbor, and God tells you to “love your neighbor as yourself!” Who does that?? Do we even begin to know what that looks like? Sometimes it may feel like Jesus’ teachings are intended to make us feel guilty, but the truth is, Jesus is calling His disciples to follow His example. It does no good to respond to Jesus’ words by feeling shame, but the Spirit uses God’s Word often to remind us that we who by God’s grace are part of His family have a mission: to live in this world as ambassadors of His kingdom. By our words AND our deeds we are called to reveal God’s love, grace, and compassion to people we meet, and as we do so to be ready at all times to share the reason for the hope we have, and for the joy we have in giving. Parents are responsible to teach our children to put others first, and to set an example by doing so ourselves. The goal is to show compassion to others, to serve others, to give of your time and your resources to others, not because you have to, but because you truly want to, realizing that in doing so you are being obedient to Christ and living to please Him!! Understanding the Parable of the Good Samaritan and living it out requires finding joy in being a good steward of all that God has given you by using His gifts to point others to the love of God in Christ that has touched your heart and transformed your mind. May we hear and obey Jesus’ words, “You go, and do likewise!”