We’re In This Together!
Most people could probably answer the question, “Do you believe in Jesus?” rather easily. It’s a “Yes” or “No” answer. But what does it MEAN to “believe in Jesus?” We might answer that it means knowing who He is and what He has done for us … but is that all? Is there more to being a Christian, a follower of Jesus, than knowing the truth of the Gospel? Paul certainly thought there was and the Spirit moved him and the rest of the writers of Scripture to communicate the truth that believing in Jesus Christ, “faith,” requires living out what you believe to be true! The Gospel of Jesus Christ actually calls us to take a stand, to choose sides, to stand up and be counted as “soldiers” in Christ’s army. The Gospel calls us to defend “the faith” and to be engaged in the inevitable spiritual conflict that will face us as we live in this world as ambassadors of the kingdom of God! There has never been a time when it was “easy” to live as a follower of Jesus Christ in this world, so if it SEEMS to be easy, perhaps something is missing in the way many look at being a Christian. God’s message to His people today is in many ways “a call to arms,” but not in the way some might think. What does it mean to “fight for the Gospel”?? You’re about to find out!!