The Parables of Jesus
During His ministry Jesus spoke of a “wedding feast” … a great banquet, hosted by God!! In His parables He spoke of invitations being given to many who then made excuses why they could not (or would not) come to the feast. In Matthew 22, Jesus uses this illustration to refer to the celebration of the coming of God’s kingdom, and He concludes with the words, “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). Jesus makes it clear that many who have heard God’s invitation will not be part of the celebration, either because they have rejected it or because they were not “dressed” properly. As with much of Jesus’ teaching, His words offended those who thought they had the “right” to be at the “wedding feast” simply because of who they were. Like many today, they failed to realize that the invitation comes with “conditions” … with requirements to respond in a certain way. The Gospel of Jesus Christ comes with an invitation to “Come!” That means more than simply wanting to be there at the end! To “accept God’s invitation” includes confessing your sin and your need for a Savior, turning from pursuing sin to following Christ, and living by the power of the Spirit as you live in this world as a disciple of Jesus. For those who are born again by the Spirit, the Wedding Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:6-9) will be the culmination of everything we have hoped for and longed for … and it will not disappoint!! Will you be there? “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb!”