Go, and Tell!
“Salvation” is a word hardly ever used in our everyday vocabulary. Some may use it rarely to talk about some kind of escape or deliverance from some unwanted consequence to their actions or the actions of others, but the word lies at the heart of the Bible, God’s Word, and the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Inspired by the Spirit of God, the writers of the New Testament echoed the words of the Psalmists as they wrote about a “salvation” from the just consequences of sin, a “salvation” that would come through a “Savior.” Refusing to believe they are in need of salvation, the majority of mankind now and through the centuries rejects God’s offer of forgiveness, knowing neither God nor themselves and thus remaining in their state of condemnation. In vain the religions of the world offer people false hope that they/we might be able to “save” ourselves, but no amount of effort on our part can remove the just condemnation that the holy and righteous God pronounces upon the human race. “BUT GOD …” From the Garden of Eden forward, God promised to send a Savior and in the fullness of time He sent His Son to make a way for sinners to enter into His presence … for sinners to be forgiven, to be made righteous in His sight, to receive life!! God sent His perfect Son to become man in order to become our substitute, to pay our debt, to remove our condemnation … to be our Savior!! Oh, amazing, amazing grace!!!!!