Romans: “The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Hear It! Believe It! Live It!”
Being at war with God is not wise, but that is the state of mind and heart that most people live in all their lives. Not knowing God or loving God or serving God or worshiping God, they go their own way, do their own thing, make their own rules and ignore God, or deny that the God who created them and everything else in the world even exists, choosing instead to worship a “god” of their own making, even if it is themselves. Meanwhile, inside every human being lies the truth … that there is “something missing.” Unable and unwilling to admit that there is this GOD-sized hole in their lives, they attempt to cover up their “aloneness,” and then get angry when confronted with the cause of their estrangement from this God they do not know: SIN!! Little do they know that in doing so they are rejecting the only cure for their misery … being reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ! The Gospel is good news precisely for this reason. God extends His grace through the Gospel to those who are His enemies, who are by nature at war with Him, in rebellion to His will and to His way. It is not possible for God to ignore our sin or to pretend it didn’t happen. God can’t sweep your sin under the proverbial “rug.” He did something much more amazing: He gave His own Son to suffer and die for all who by the work of His Spirit believe in Jesus Christ … who confess our sin and confess Jesus as Savior and Lord. Through faith in Jesus the barrier of sin that stood between us and God is removed and the perfect righteousness of Christ is credited to our account. The result is PEACE with God and therefore access into His throne room, where you may enter without fear, and with great joy!! Are you there? May God use His Word today to challenge, to encourage and to save!