Romans: “The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Hear It! Believe It! Live It!”
In the climax of another contentious election many people are frustrated that those who are elected to represent the people who voted for them often don’t do a very good job. Instead, they seem to be influenced by other people and power and money. The “representative principle” is a good idea, but in a sinful, imperfect world, it has its limitations. It is God, however, who established this principle, and it is He who carries it out to perfection! God created Adam as the first representative of mankind, so when Adam sinned against God and his spirit died, he passed on that sinful nature to all those who would come after him. This is why Paul would quote the words of the Psalmist who wrote, “None is righteous, no, not one … All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one” (Romans 3:10-12). This is where grace comes in! Knowing mankind would fall into sin, God determined before the world began to send His Son to be a second representative for those who would believe, those whom He chose to be His children before He even created the world. Jesus came to be our “second Adam,” to bear God’s wrath against our sin and to deliver us from God’s just judgment. Grace can only be understood in connection with knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, the only Mediator between God and man. Eternal life … ETERNAL LIFE, is God’s gift of grace to those who are “made righteous” through faith in Jesus. Praise God for the gift of His Son, who brings life to those who were dead! Thank God for the best representative anyone could ever have … the one who is seated at the Father’s right hand!!