What would you consider to be a “worthy” goal for your life? Knowing what you know … that you are here only for a time and that eternity lies before you, how should you spend the time you have here in this world? Believing that Jesus Christ is coming again to establish His reign upon the earth, and knowing that only those who know and love and serve Him, trusting in Him for forgiveness and life, will enter His kingdom, where are you expending your time and effort in order to fulfill your God-given purpose? These and other questions like them rarely come to the minds of those who have no interest in spiritual things and no desire to consider that the pursuit of the things of the world is, as Solomon described it in his “Ecclesiastes,” meaningless … like chasing after the wind! God calls His children to a much greater purpose and sets before us a much grander goal: Christlikeness!!! It is, of course, an impossible task, from a merely human perspective. But the good news of the Gospel is that Christ now lives within those whom God has chosen, called, regenerated, justified and adopted. Having responded in true repentance and faith by the work of the Spirit within us, we are not left alone to pursue the holiness and righteousness of Christ by our own efforts. No longer can any true believer say, “I’m only human!” GOD is now at work within His children to produce Christlikeness, and He promises that as He has begun this work in us, He WILL bring it to completion!! Here, then, is a goal worthy of pursuing, and God tells us how to do exactly that in our message today!!