‘From Eden … to the Cross!’
Growing up as part of the “family tree” of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, being part of the people of Israel, brought with it the privilege of being part of the only nation in the world to whom God had made Himself known and with whom He had entered into “covenant,” making promises to those who believed in Him. No other people, no other nation, received such blessings. Yet, it was only a remnant within the people of Israel who were born again by the Spirit and saved from the judgment of God against their sin. Paul explained God’s work in the past and in his day by saying, “So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace” (Romans 11:5). In the story of Ruth God revealed the necessity of redemption, of being “redeemed,”… “purchased,” in order to become part of His “family tree.” But not just anyone could “redeem” what had been lost. Only one who was a “kinsman,” a close relative, qualified to be a “redeemer.” Because of sin, all people are in need of redemption. We are separated from God unless the purchase price is paid, unless God’s justice is satisfied. JESUS, the eternal Son of God, came to be our “Kinsman-Redeemer!” He became flesh, taking upon Himself a human nature, that He might become our Redeemer, our Savior, and so bring all who believe into GOD’s “family tree.” By grace through faith all who are born again by His Spirit, and who thus believe in Jesus for forgiveness and life, turn from sin and self (repent) to faith in Christ and are adopted into God’s family! What a blessing, what a privilege to be one of God’s chosen people!!