The Kingdom of God!
Either you know the God who has revealed Himself through His Word, the Bible, and in His Son Jesus Christ, or you WILL know Him one day … when it is too late to receive His gift of life! From before the world began God’s desire has been to have a people who would know Him, who would love and worship Him and who would serve Him. All that has taken place since the creation of the world and mankind, in the beginning, has brought us closer to that moment when God’s kingdom is established in a new heaven and a new earth. Even the life you are living at this moment is a prelude to what lies ahead, to eternity! Following Israel’s defeat by the Assyrians and Judah’s captivity in Babylon, it appeared that the fulfillment of God’s plan was no longer possible. From a merely human viewpoint, it often appears that it will take a miracle to bring good out of all the bad that is going on in the world around us and in our own lives. BUT GOD … THIS God, the true God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the God of wisdom and power, IS ABLE!!! His goals will be accomplished and all the world will know that HE IS GOD!!! By the power of His Word and Spirit, He brings life to “dry bones” and He is still doing that today!