‘Living As GOD’s People While We Watch and Wait for Jesus’ Return’
Believing the Bible to be the Word of the one, true God leads to a desire to know and understand the truth revealed on its pages. Within the pages of the Bible the Spirit of God led some 40 authors to write down what He desired His Church to know and understand until Jesus returns to gather us to Himself. TRUTH from God is found in His Word, forming the foundation for faith in Jesus Christ and for peace of mind and heart for those who believe, as we await His return. While many have said that these verses are hard to understand, the heart of Paul’s message is clear: Knowing the truth will prevent you from being deceived!! As in his first letter to these believers, Paul addresses a very real concern they had expressed: that they were living in the time of God’s wrath! They had been told in Paul’s first letter that the pouring out of God’s wrath, the “day of the Lord,” would be preceded by the Rapture … the resurrection of the bodies of those believers who had died, and the transformation into glorified bodies of those believers who were still alive. Paul had assured them that God had not destined them for wrath, but rather, to receive the salvation they had been promised through faith in Jesus Christ. In chapter one of his second letter, Paul commended them for standing firm through their affliction, and reminded them that Jesus would, indeed, return and bring vengeance on unbelievers. Now he goes on to assure them that the Rapture, followed by the “day of the Lord,” will not happen until certain other events take place: a great apostasy/rebellion, the rise of “the man of lawlessness” (the Antichrist), along with his signs and wonders. All those who have not loved the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will perish in their unbelief, but those who believe will not be deceived. As he said in I Thessalonians 5:4,“You are not in the darkness brothers for that day to surprise you!” Many are wondering today what is happening in the world. We are approximately 1,960 years closer to Jesus’ return than when Paul wrote these words. Know the truth God reveals and watch and wait. Jesus will return, just as He said, at God’s appointed time, and all who believe will not perish, but will have everlasting life!!