Sermons from 2018 (Page 5)

22 – A New Covenant? ‘No’ and ‘Yes’!

The Kingdom of God! People who are being deceived don’t know they are being deceived. The truth of that brief statement seems obvious, but to those without the Spirit of God nothing about God or His kingdom or His salvation or His covenant is obvious! Knowing the truth about God, about yourself, about life in this world and life after death is…

21 – ‘Mystery’ Revealed!

The Kingdom of God! From before God created the world He determined to gather for Himself a people from among all those who would ever live on the earth through the salvation He would provide in His Son, Jesus Christ. God entered into a “Covenant of Grace” with Abraham and the descendants of his son, Isaac, and of his son, Jacob, whose…

20 – Kingdom POWER!!

The Kingdom of God! “Where is God in the midst of human tragedy of all kinds?” Every day God showers His blessings upon mankind in countless different ways and few people seem to notice or give thanks. Yet, when tragedies of all kinds take place the immediate question of many seems to be, “Where is God?” While God reveals that His kingdom,…

19 – The Authority of THE King!

The Kingdom of God! Those who have grown up in the church may get so used to hearing certain passages from God’s Word that we fail to realize what God is saying to us. Such may be the case with what we call the “Great Commission.” Jesus tells us to “make disciples” and to be His witnesses. Perhaps we need to hear…

18 – My Kingdom is NOT of THIS World!

The Kingdom of God! Living in a foreign country requires a lot of adjustments. Moving from one place to another can lead to a feeling of uneasiness and anxiety. When you are “home” everything is familiar and there is a sense of security and comfort. Jesus knew this world was not HIS home. He came from the glory of heaven to earth…

17 – The Church and the Keys of the Kingdom!

The Kingdom of God! A quick quiz: How many eternal kingdoms are there or will there be? ONE! How many ways are there to enter God’s eternal kingdom? ONE! How many kings are there in God’s kingdom? ONE!! So, who do you say Jesus is??? Many people today fail to understand the privilege of being a believer, a disciple of Jesus Christ,…

16 – Blessed Are Your Eyes and Ears!

The Kingdom of God! A Parable is often defined as “an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.” It is true that in His parables Jesus used earthly things as illustrations of spiritual truth about the kingdom of heaven. He talked about seeds and harvests and weeds and treasure to teach those who would be His disciples. But virtually all those who heard…

15 – The Clash of Two Kingdoms!

The Kingdom of God! One year ends, another begins. Centuries pass and become “ancient history” to the present generations. True wisdom, wisdom from God, understands that the passage of time is not “circular,” but rather, “linear.” History does NOT repeat itself. While there are patterns that may be repeated, life and time have a beginning and an ending. Only in understanding this…