3 – Til Now the LORD Has Helped Us!

Stand Alone Sermon: Memorial Day “I can do it myself!”  Most parents have heard their toddler express the independence of the human spirit that refuses to acknowledge the need for help … even when it is needed.  But it is not only toddlers or young children who believe they can live life without help!  While it is good to work hard, to…

7 – Repent and Believe

Go, and Tell! Nowhere in the Bible are we told to “Invite Jesus into your heart …”  We ARE told to “repent” and we ARE told to “believe!”  The Gospel comes with a “call” to repent AND believe, but it is more of a command than it is an invitation, and it is disobedience to that command that causes judgment to fall…

6 – The CROSS …

Go, and Tell! “Salvation” is a word hardly ever used in our everyday vocabulary. Some may use it rarely to talk about some kind of escape or deliverance from some unwanted consequence to their actions or the actions of others, but the word lies at the heart of the Bible, God’s Word, and the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Inspired…

5 – JESUS, the Only Son of God!

Go, and Tell! “Believing in Jesus” is necessary for receiving eternal life, rather than facing God’s just judgment against sin. Jesus said, “For God so (thus) loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). It is vitally important, then, to know what it means to“believe in Jesus.”…

4 – BUT GOD … !!

Go, and Tell! Can it be true that the entire human race is deserving of God’s wrath and judgment and that apart from God’s intervention we would ALL, each and every one, perish in our sin?? YES!! “ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). “The wages of sin is death, BUT the gift of GOD is…

3 – Humanity … the View From Heaven!

Go, and Tell! For nearly 6,000 years the human race has been attempting to overcome the effects of Adam’s sin through our own efforts. The history of mankind and of the nations is the record of brief, temporary, partial “successes” and centuries of utter failures to improve the human condition. Only the most foolish imagine that we will ultimately solve the human…

2 – The Unknown God Has Revealed Himself!

Go, and Tell! Jesus said, “This is eternal life: that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3). To “know God” means more than simply having some vague knowledge of “a god.” To “know God” means to have an intimate knowledge of the one and only true God … knowledge that leads to an…

1 – As the Father Has Sent Me …

Go, and Tell! Many today view the early church as a group of people who were loved by everybody and who were blessed by God with growth and excitement at every turn! Apparently, they have never read the book of Acts or the letters to the churches in the New Testament. It was only by the grace of God through the work…

24 – And He Shall Reign FOREVER!!

The Kingdom of God! All of the talk about North Korea, Iran, Russia and other nations with nuclear weapons and the possibility of war at some time in the future causes many people to fear the future and to attempt to come up with a more “optimistic” picture of the future of mankind and planet earth. As those who have been born…