Sermons on Romans (Page 4)

1 – “It’s ALL About God!”

Romans:  “The Gospel of Jesus Christ:  Hear It! Believe It! Live It!” God’s Word, found only in the pages of the Bible, is the key to understanding the meaning of life in this world, and the only reliable source of the knowledge of God other than His creation and Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God! Jesus said, “This IS eternal life: that…

19 – “Dead and Alive”

Stand Alone Sermon There is a paradoxical nature in the Christian life. We are in this world but not of it. We hate the sin around us but are to love those who do the sins. We are called both sinners and saints. Most interestingly, we are told we are both dead and alive. The spiritual truths we find in the Bible…

7 – “Mt. Sinai and the Ten Commandments: Christians and the Law”

‘From Eden … to the Cross!’ Almost everybody has at least heard of “the ten commandments,” even if very few can tell you what they are!  The original movie hit the theatres in 1956, depicting God speaking to Moses on the top of Mt. Sinai and writing the commandments in stone with a “finger of fire!” It was all quite dramatic, but it…

8 – “Sanctification: Becoming Like Christ!”

‘THIS I KNOW!’ What would you consider to be a “worthy” goal for your life? Knowing what you know … that you are here only for a time and that eternity lies before you, how should you spend the time you have here in this world?  Believing that Jesus Christ is coming again to establish His reign upon the earth, and knowing…

2 – “Election: God’s Sovereign Choice!”

‘THIS I KNOW!’ How lucky are you to have the opportunity to know the true God and to believe in Jesus??!!! Of course, you know that “luck” has nothing to do with it, yet this is what many seem to think. They believe a series of random events happened in your life, and at some point you were smart enough or wise…