Sermons from 2022 (Page 3)

9 – “The Parable of the Dishonest Manager”

The Parables of Jesus As everyone feels the effects of higher prices, the choices of what to do with the resources God has given you seems to become more and more difficult.  Whether you are struggling to “make ends meet,” or trying to determine how and where to invest, making decisions about what to purchase and when or if to purchase anything…

8 – “The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard”

The Parables of Jesus If you were to “make up” a religion, what would it be like? All you need to do is look around at any of the religions of the world to discover the answer! There are religions that believe in “gods” or “spirits,” and there are those that don’t. There are religions that believe in some kind of “after-life” existence, and those…

6 – “The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant”

The Parables of Jesus Imagine having to “pay God back” for your sins before being allowed to enter into heaven!! What if God required you to somehow pay a penalty for every sin you ever committed?!! Obviously, none of us could do it! “The wages of sin is death!” And we have all earned God’s just judgment. Yet, He gave His only Son to bear our…

4 – “The Parable of the Rich Fool”

The Parables of Jesus When people think of the word “philosophy” most probably think of a class you might take in college. Most people believe philosophy has nothing to do with them … yet every person who has ever lived has had a philosophy of life that they lived out, whether for good or for bad. Most people don’t even realize how their own…

3 – “The Parable of the Good Samaritan”

The Parables of Jesus The parable of the Good Samaritan is perhaps one of the easiest parables of Jesus to understand, and perhaps one of the most difficult to DO … to live out!! The lesson is simple: Everyone God puts in your path is your neighbor, and God tells you to “love your neighbor as yourself!” Who does that?? Do we even begin to…

2 – “Parables of the Kingdom”

The Parables of Jesus Listening to Jesus tell parables, you might think He didn’t want people to understand what He was saying! However, Jesus came to reveal things that had previously been either misunderstood or totally ignored by most of the human race, from Adam and Eve forward. He spoke in parables, knowing that His Spirit would enable those whom God had chosen to…

1 – “The Parable of the Sower”

The Parables of Jesus There are TWO groups of people in this world: those who are disciples of Jesus Christ and part of His kingdom, and those who aren’t. As Jesus taught His disciples, and also spoke to large crowds, He was continually pointing out the conflict between HIS kingdom and the “kingdom of this world.” Since the time of mankind’s fall into sin in…