Sermons from 2022 (Page 5)

11 – “Elijah on Mt. Carmel: The LORD – HE Is God!”

‘From Eden … to the Cross!’ God wants His people to KNOW Him! When talking about “revelation,” most people think only about the last book of the Bible: “The Revelation of John.” In reality, the entire Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to His people. Creation itself testifies to its Creator, but the Bible is God’s “special revelation,” given to a specific group…

9 – “Ruth and the ‘Kinsman-Redeemer'”

‘From Eden … to the Cross!’ Growing up as part of the “family tree” of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, being part of the people of Israel, brought with it the privilege of being part of the only nation in the world to whom God had made Himself known and with whom He had entered into “covenant,” making promises to those who believed…

8 – “Joshua and Jericho: And THIS Is Love?!”

‘From Eden … to the Cross!’ A recent survey asked people if they believed in hell, and about 60% said they believed in some kind of punishment after death. Yet few are willing to believe that many people go there! Those who believe there is a “heaven,” more than 80%, believe almost everyone goes there, and 60% of those who claim to be Christians…

7 – “Mt. Sinai and the Ten Commandments: Christians and the Law”

‘From Eden … to the Cross!’ Almost everybody has at least heard of “the ten commandments,” even if very few can tell you what they are!  The original movie hit the theatres in 1956, depicting God speaking to Moses on the top of Mt. Sinai and writing the commandments in stone with a “finger of fire!” It was all quite dramatic, but it…

4 – “Abraham and Isaac: God Will Provide!”

‘From Eden … to the Cross!’ Once you know who God IS … the God who created the universe and everything in it, and who upholds and sustains it by His power and wisdom … and you know that He destroyed the world with a flood, bringing judgment and death upon the entire human race except Noah and his family … you…

2 – “Man’s Fall … God’s Promise!”

‘From Eden … to the Cross!’ Fairytales often begin with the words, “Once upon a time,” and what follows is a brief background that lays the foundation for the “story” that will follow. Background is important if you are going to understand “the rest of the story!” And this is precisely why the majority of people in the world do not understand why believing…